Bring me the sunflower crazed with light.

(Eugenio Montale, Cuttlefish Bones)
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3 Responses
  1. FS3 Says:

    Is this related to the Book of Incandescent Light from Placencias's People of Paper?

  2. Traci Says:

    I don't think so, but that would be awesome. I haven't checked out People of Paper yet, but it's on my list. Eugenio Montale is a prize-winning Italian poet. This is from his collection "Cuttlefish Bones." I've got an edition that prints the Italian side-by-side with the English translation and the Italian looks so much more musical. Makes me wish I knew the language.

  3. FS3 Says:

    Check out Giacomo Leopardi's Opereti Morali. You can find a bi-lingual edition similar to Montale. Also, Giuseppe Ungaretti's work is quite essential. . .